The 6th Region of Africa
From the Diaspora to the Sixth Region
Within the African Union, there are 6 regions: North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa, plus one last region, the “Sixth Region“, which constitutes the African Diaspora.
The political, economic and cultural importance of this Diaspora is increasingly recognized. It contributes greatly to the development of Africa and this is why the African Union has symbolically included the Diaspora in its organisation.
This “Sixth Region” exists in the constitution of the African Union.
In 2003, at the end of the AU Summit, the Heads of State declared (14 (XVIII) add. :
“The African Union (…) decides to recognize the African Diaspora as an effective entity contributing to economic and social development of the continent. “
For many years this “Sixth Region” of the AU existed only on paper. Uncoordinated, it remained a virtual reality. It was therefore necessary to give substance to this institution, and move from a de facto diaspora to a de jure diaspora.